The best solution is crypto, but they are not mainstream yet because of the fact that they are not easy to use. The future of payments along side creating a truthful technique are the two main objectives for Martell to be achieved. Martell will endorse and initiate the vision to provide us with a better world in the digital realm of currencies. It is because of the fact that it's easy to understand and it doesn't involve any complicated science behind the whole scheme. They are driven by the idea of easing the process of disintermediation and financial integration.
Digital currency requires a solution thatโs like a easy use , fast like blockchain, and trustworthy like traditional systems.
There should be a fixed price if theyโre being used as currency or payment transactions. Users must know how much to send and how much they expect to receive. For digital currency to truly transform the world, it needs to be as simple as possible. It should be simple enough so that a grandfather can send $100.00 to his grandson using his phone. The solution has to streamline the process, intuitive to use, and convenient. The mainstream population will gravitate toward solutions that grant them freedom, comfort, and security in the palm of their hand. With the RefleX Algorithm, Blockchain and digital currency can be used every day as currency with the same amount of trust and confidence. Itโs as easy as sending money by email. When a person goes to the bank and withdraws money or deposits money in the bank, the cashier doesnโt need to go to the locker every single time thereโs a transaction. The banker uses the same cash in hand for all transactions. Then the associate at the bank deposits the money in a safe once the shift is closed. The same method was used to design the Martell algorithm
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